Who: Media are invited to cover a special event organized by the Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA), Canada’s voice for wind energy, solar energy and energy storage. Spring Forward will bring together prominent renewable-energy experts from across Canada and around the world, including Melina Bartels (BloombergNEF), Linda Coady (E.D., Pembina Institute), Peter Fraser (International Energy Agency and former Vice President of the Ontario Energy Board), Peter Gregg (President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power Inc), Sashen Guneratna (Canada Infrastructure Bank), Annette Verschuren (Chair and CEO of NRStor Inc.), Heather Zichal (CEO, American Clean Power Association), and many more.
What: This two-day program explores how renewable energy and energy storage will play a critical role in boosting economic growth and job creation in 2021, positioning Canada for sustained success at home and on the global stage. Topics will include the energy transition, Canada’s net-zero targets, Biden’s climate plan, green hydrogen, Canada’s bold new carbon price, the story on storage, regional interconnections, decentralization, rooftop solar, and much more. The full program is available here: https://renewablesassociation.ca/event/spring-forward-recharging-canadas-economy-with-renewables/
When: April 28 and 29, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET)
Where: Virtual, using the SwapCard platform. Media passes available upon request.
Why: It has been a challenging year, but as the world begins to heal from a global pandemic, there is new hope on the horizon. It is clear that wind energy, solar energy and energy-storage technologies offer a very positive route to recovery. Now more than ever, these energy technologies are poised to create the transformation needed to recharge the economy while also achieving our important climate goals.
Media passes: For a media accreditation pass and connection instructions, please send a request identifying your media outlet and primary area of interest to Bridget Wayland, Communications Director, at communications@renewablesassociation.ca. Advance interviews with Robert Hornung (CanREA President and CEO) are also available.
About the Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA)
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association is the voice for wind energy, solar energy and energy storage solutions that will power Canada’s energy future. We work to create the conditions for a modern energy system through stakeholder advocacy and public engagement. Our diverse members are uniquely positioned to deliver clean, low-cost, reliable, flexible and scalable solutions for Canada’s energy needs. Our vision is to ensure wind energy, solar energy and energy storage play a central role in transforming Canada’s energy mix. Learn more at renewablesassociation.ca. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to our newsletter here. Become a member here.