CanREA offers greater value and new benefits in 2022
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA) is excited to present a new membership offering for 2022. This year, we will introduce several key initiatives to provide a higher level of service to CanREA members as we help grow the market and develop business opportunities for wind energy, solar energy, and energy storage companies in Canada.
2022 membership highlights:
- New national Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Caucus, for companies currently developing innovative solutions at the distribution level, companies that own existing DERs and are seeking to maximize the value of these assets, and for anyone who wants to learn more about this exciting frontier of Canada’s energy transition. Learn more here.
- New Nova Scotia Caucus, to better support advocacy efforts in Nova Scotia. Learn more here.
- Launch of CanREA’s 2050 Vision in November, a call to action for electricity decision makers to leverage our sector’s capacity to power the journey to net-zero by 2050. Learn more here.
- CanREA now offers industry webinar speaking opportunities, to help eligible member companies promote their industry and market expertise and thought leadership, while delivering insightful, relevant content.
- Upcoming: CanREA is developing a utility & system operator program, to increase collaboration, capacity building and knowledge-sharing with key stakeholders and to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy and energy storage in Canada.
- Upcoming: CanREA will release a new whitepaper on energy storage in 2022, outlining the priority actions for enabling energy storage in Canada.
- Upcoming: CanREA will establish a tailored and issues-based program for solar installers.
- New hires to expand capacity: CanREA has hired a new Quebec and Atlantic Canada Policy Director, is currently (at press time) in the process of hiring a Policy Manager to support the core Policy and Advocacy Team, and will hire a full-time BTM Solar Program Coordinator to manage the solar installer program and engage with members.
- In 2022, CanREA will reintroduce a full calendar of live, in-person events, to enable learning, networking, and business development. View the full calendar here.
What is CanREA?
CanREA is the voice for the wind energy, solar energy and energy storage industries in Canada. Through stakeholder advocacy and public engagement, CanREA works to create the conditions for a modern energy system, in which clean, low-cost, reliable, flexible and scalable solutions play a central role in transforming Canada’s energy mix.
Who are CanREA’s members?
CanREA represents more than 320 companies active in these industries across the country, including manufacturers, installers, developers, service providers and supply-chain partners. Consult the member directory here.

Why do companies join CanREA?
Our members tell us they joined CanREA to connect & collaborate with more than 320 companies in Canada’s renewable energy & energy storage industry, to stay informed on the latest industry, market and policy developments, to help lead and shape policy development and amplify our industry’s voice, and to be part of a community, to network, engage and raise their profile.
Top 5 Benefits of your CanREA membership
1. Industry knowledge
2. Profile & branding
3. Policy development & advocacy
4. Influence & governance
5. Cost-saving & affinity programs
Other benefits include:
- Discounts for CanREA events
- Sponsorship opportunities
- Discounted advertising
Click here to learn more about CanREA’s full list of membership benefits.
Already a member? Time to renew!
At press time (November), your organization should have received a CanREA email with information about membership renewal and exciting upgrade opportunities. Thanks for your support!
Not a member, but interested in joining?
CanREA offers memberships with varying levels of engagement: your company chooses how involved you wish to be. There is a membership level suited to every company’s and budget and goals.
For more information on CanREA membership levels, benefits and opportunities, please contact:
Julie Mair
Director of Membership & Business Development
Canadian Renewable Energy Association
Mobile: (613) 880-4501 or