One of the strengths of wind energy, solar energy and energy storage projects is that they are widely dispersed, creating greater resiliency and often bringing generation closer to where the electricity is used. And there are good reasons why hundreds of communities across Canada have welcomed the addition of our members’ projects.
Helping Renew Local Economies
Wind energy, solar energy and energy storage projects:
- Help advance economic diversification – an important objective for many smaller, rural communities – by generating construction and other development-phase activity, and direct employment and procurement and other spinoff benefits during operations.
- Provide new property tax revenues for local municipalities, and lease payments for land and building owners – often helping to supplement variable incomes in sectors such as agriculture.
- Often involve equity participation and other forms of direct benefit-sharing on the part of host communities, including in many cases Indigenous communities and project participants.
Engaging with Local Stakeholders
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association and its members appreciate and embrace the need to engage with local municipalities, Indigenous Peoples and diverse stakeholders early and consistently whenever a project is proposed. This is the only way to assure that questions are answered, and that completed projects fit seamlessly within the local landscape and align with community priorities.
Effective and meaningful engagement is fundamental to the success of any renewable energy project, and our industry is continuously improving and strengthening its approaches.
Wind Energy Development – Best Practices for Indigenous and Public Engagement is a guide that helps industry members consult, engage and communicate on wind energy development. A product of broad input, it guides our members and provides stakeholders a sense of what they can expect if a project is proposed within their community.