CanREA Connects—Saskatchewan (spring networking reception) 

April 23, 2024 from 5 to 7 pm
Saskatchewan Legislative Building
Regina, Saskatchewan

The Canadian Renewable Energy Association was pleased to host a special spring networking reception at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building in Regina in April 2024. A total of 65 energy-sector innovators, business leaders and influencers with an interest in growing the wind energy, solar and energy-storage sectors attended the event.

PHOTO: CanREA’s Director for Saskatchewan, Erwin Heuck, discussing renewable energy with guests at CanREA Connects—Saskatchewan, spring 2024.
PHOTO: Attendees experienced a remarkable evening, filled with lively discussions around exciting new growth opportunities for renewable energy in Western Canada.
PHOTO: Special guests included MLAs from several parties and The Hon. Dustin Duncan, Minister of Crown Investments Corporation, responsible for SaskPower, who gave an address.
PHOTO: CanREA’s Director for Saskatchewan, Erwin Heuck (right), and MLA Blaine McLeod (left), at CanREA Connects—Saskatchewan (spring 2024).
PHOTO: SaskPower’s Rhea Brown (second from left) and Rupen Pandya (far right) with CanREA’s Evan Wilson (far left) and Erwin Heuck (second from right).
PHOTO: CanREA’s Kelly Hall (centre) with Joe Esposito of Esposito Advisory Services Inc. (left) and Mike Nissen of ATCO EnPower (right).

Thank you to our sponsor

Thank you to CanREA member Invenergy, Networking Sponsor for CanREA Connects—Saskatchewan.

PHOTO: Networking Sponsor, Invenergy, attendee Patrick Beatty (centre), with CanREA’s Kelly Hall (far left), Hannah Koenig of SWOH Energy Supply Limited (second from left), Robert Graber of Rev Engineering Ltd. (second from right) and Ina Gjoka of INNERGEX Renewable Energy (far right).

Sponsorship opportunities – stand out from the crowd

Sponsorship opportunities are available for CanREA Connects, our spring 2024 series of networking events. Please contact Julie Mair, CanREA’s Director, Membership and Business Development, to discuss interesting ways you can stand out from the crowd as a sponsor and showcase your company as a leader in the industry.

View the entire year of CanREA events here.