CanREA Annual General Meeting 2022 (virtual)

October 21, 2022, 1 to 2 p.m. (ET)

CanREA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 will be held virtually on October 21, 2022, from 1 to 2 p.m. (ET). The AGM will provide members with a summary of CanREA’s key activities, the results of the 2022 CanREA Board Elections, and the next steps for the association.


  • Robert Hornung, CanREA President & CEO
  • Jason Chee-Aloy, CanREA Board Chair; Managing Director, Power Advisory LLC

2022 CanREA AGM Agenda:

  1. Agenda Review / Motion to Approve the Agenda
  2. Motion to Approve the Minutes of the 2021 CanREA AGM
  3. Report on CanREA’s Audited Financial Statements for July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
  4. Motion to Approve the Auditor for CanREA’s Audited Financial Statements for 2022- 2023
  5. President’s Report on CanREA Highlights in 2021-2022 and Strategic Priorities for 2022-2023
  6. Any other business
  7. Announcement of the results of the CanREA Board Elections
  8. Motion to Adjourn

To register and access the AGM agenda and other materials, please log into the Members-Only side of the CanREA website and select the Board and Governance/Annual General Meeting section.

If you have any questions regarding the AGM, please contact