CanREA and RESCo Energy held an insurance workshop with a tour of a rooftop solar/storage system.
On August 29, 2023, CanREA and RESCo Energy held a special “Insurance Day” event in Mississauga, Ontario, offering 16 insurance professionals a workshop on insurance for the renewable energy and energy storage industry, complete with an exclusive tour of RESCo’s rooftop solar system.
The workshop aimed to provide Canada’s leading insurers and underwriters with in-depth information to better understand clean-energy technologies and make informed decisions regarding the insurance solutions they provide to the renewables and energy-storage sector.
The participating firms included four CanREA members—Renewable Risk Consulting, FM Global, Aviva and McLarens Canada—as well as AIG Canada, Allianz Commercial, CNA Insurance, Intact Insurance, Northbridge Financial and Solphi Engineering. Thanks to these 10 insurance companies for their interest in learning more.
A very special thanks to CanREA member RESCo Energy Inc. for hosting the rooftop tour and the workshop at their facility.
CanREA looks forward to facilitating more education-related discussions between the insurance and clean energy sectors, to help advance Canada’s clean energy transition cost-effectively and reliably. The association also aims to present similar opportunities for CanREA members in the finance sector, as well as other service-provider sectors, in the future.
For further information or to get involved, contact CanREA’s membership team at